Plan Your visit

Meeting someone new for the first time can be intimidating and visiting a new church can be nerve-racking. 

We want to help make your first experience at Evangel church a great one. If you still have questions after reviewing this page, please feel free to email or call us at 507-289-4817. 

We would be happy to answer your questions.

worship service options

Evangel offers two different kinds of worship services.

You are welcome to join us at either or both services as you feel comfortable. 

traditional Worship

Sunday - 8:30 AM

Our traditional service is approximately 60 minutes and includes hymns, 

liturgy, prayer, choir anthems, and an engaging message.

Good news worship

Sunday - 10:30 AM

The Good News Service is a blended service lasting approximately 60 minutes. The music is led by our Good News Praise Band followed by an engaging message with multimedia and closes with a special music selection. 

Other information

What should I wear?

There is no dress code at Evangel. Wear what makes you comfortable

and you will most likely find someone dressed like you.

What are the options for our children?

Sunday School is offered for pre-kindergarten to Grade 12 during the school year. It runs from 9:30 AM to 10:15 AM.

Children's Church is offered during the 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM service for children grade kindergarten through 5th grade. 

How do I sign my child up for Sunday School

If you would like your child or youth to join a Sunday School class, there are kiosks as you enter the front door. A church representative will be there and can help get you set up. 


The nursery is fully staffed during the 9:30 AM Sunday School hour and the 10:30 AM worship service. It is unstaffed but available for use during the 8:30 AM worship service. An usher can direct you to it's location.


As we believe that giving to God's work is part of worship, an opportunity to give to God's work through Evangel is offered at all worship services. Currently, offering plates are not passed among the congregation. If you feel led to give an offering, there are baskets as you exit the sanctuary. You can also give electronically below. 

Give Electronically


As a United Methodist Church we celebrate "open communion," open to all. The invitation is from Jesus, who invites to his table all who love him, who earnestly repent of their sin, and seek to be at peace with one another." Grape juice will be used, not wine, and there is also a gluten free option.


If you have any further questions, feel free to email or call our office at or 507-289-4817. If you have questions during a worship service, feel free to ask the ushers any questions you may have.