Evangel United methodist church

“Honor the Lord with your

wealth and with the best part

of everything you produce.”

- Proverbs 3:9 NLT

give now!

Support your church during your lifetime

Outright Gifts


• Cash

• Stock & mutual funds

• Personal or real property

• IRA, 401(k), or 403(b) distribution

Donor Advised Fund

Set up a charitable fund with your investment advisor that allows you to set aside your gift now. You decide in the years ahead which charities you would like to support.

Name Endowment

Establish an Endowment to benefit Evangel UMC. Gifts to endowment can be made at any time. The principal amount is funded by the donor. Interest earned helps to provide an annual distribution to assist the church in their ministries.

leave a legacy

Make a sizeable gift after passing

Real Estate Gift

Make a gift without using liquid assets. Transfer the title to Evangel UMC or Charitable Remainder Trust.

Bequest in Will

Name Evangel UMC your favorite ministry as a beneficiary in your will.

Life Insurance Policy

Name Evangel UMC as part or full beneficiary of your life insurance policy.

Retirement Plan Gift

Name Evangel UMC as a beneficiary for part or all of the remaining assets in your retirement fund.

Touch lives forever

Receive income payments now and leave a sizeable gift after your passing

Charitable Remainder Trust or Unitrust

Charitable Remainder Trusts and Unitrusts provide you with semi-annual payment now. The remaining funds will be distributed according to the language in the trust document.

Charitable Gift Annuity

Make a sizeable gift to your parish and receive a partial tax deduction and income stream for the rest of your life. Upon your death, the remainder of the gift goes to Evangel UMC.

why planned giving?

Givers are able to ensure that the ministries they care about continue to thrive.

Benefits to donors when gifting to the church:

• Tax deduction with cash gifts

• Avoidance of capital gain tax by gifting appreciated stock

• Estate tax and income tax savings when gifting retirement/IRA funds

• Charitable trust gifting leads to income tax and estate tax deductions as well as income while living

• Your financial advisor may inform you of other benefits as well

Establishing a legacy gift now reaffirms that Evangel UMC has been an important part of your spiritual growth and will continue for generations to come.

We also partner with the Dakota/Minnesota

United Methodist Foundation

Contact them:

PO Box 26423

Minneapolis, MN 55426




Please check out their website or brochure for more information.

Thank you for considering Evangel UMC in your planned giving. You may receive tax benefits by giving to the church. The church recommends you consult with your tax and legal advisors to discuss your charitable giving plan and potential tax advantages available to you.