Evangel All-church book study


Starting Jan. 21

Evangel is invited to an all-church book study: reading and discussing the book, Unrelenting Grace: A United Methodist Way of Life by Bishop Kenneth H. Carter Jr. (2023 Abingdon Press). The books are available to pick up at the Welcome Center and in the church office. Everyone is asked to start reading the book by Jan. 14, reading a chapter a week through Feb. 14. (A $15 donation helps cover the cost of each book.)

Sign Up!

Connect Group Session Outlines:

Session 1 Download

Session 2 Download

Session 3 Download

Session 4 Download

Evaluation Download

Interpretation Sessions

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The United Methodist Church as a denomination has been in a season of growing tension and controversy. This was brought into the forefront of church discussions, as well as the public news media, following the 2016 UM General Conference discussion about human sexuality. After a hiatus caused by the COVID19 Pandemic, General Conference is scheduled to meet again April-May 2024. It is expected that there will be a restructuring of the denomination that will enable the United Methodist Church a way forward with differing views on homosexuality.
Partially to prepare our church for discussion around the United Methodist General Conference this spring, but more importantly to help our church to grow in our ability to talk together with respect and grace particularly in difficult discussions, our church is invited into a season of discussion and growth around HOW to talk together in grace when we disagree. This is a way for us to live out God’s call to love each other and to witness to a culture that is torn by controversy. As Jesus says in John 13:34-35, “A new command I give to you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you ought to love one another. Others will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.”
The purpose of this season of discussion is not to discuss the controversial positions and issues themselves, or to come to any agreement or decisions on these issues, but instead to grow in our ability to talk together in love and unity. Simply put, this season is not about WHAT we decide on issues, but about HOW we will talk about them.

The Plan:

  1. From Jan. 21 to Feb. 11 Pastor David will preach Sunday mornings a series entitled, “Difficult Conversations: How to Get Along when We Disagree.”
  2. The congregation is invited to read together the book, Unrelenting Grace: A United Methodist Way of Life by Bishop Kenneth H. Carter Jr. (2023 Abingdon Press). The books are available to pick up at the Welcome Center and in the church office. People are asked to start reading the book by Jan. 14, reading a chapter a week through Feb. 11. (A $15 donation helps cover the cost of each book.)
  3. Pastor David will host four weekly “interpretation sessions” on the book (one session for each of the book’s four chapters). As the book takes an inclusive position, Pastor David will try to widen the conversation to include insights for how a more conservative perspective would respond to the book and talk about the issues. These sessions will be held in-person after the 2nd service (from 11:45a - 12:45p) but also offered as livestream and recording.
  4. All of our winter Connect Groups (a variety of options offered by different hosts) will be discussion sessions for us to listen, learn and engage with the messages, reading and interpretation sessions. These groups will not discuss particular issues or positions (such as on the authority of Scripture, human sexuality, etc.) but rather focus on HOW we all can grow in having grace-filled and respectful discussions. Winter Connect Groups will meet weekly starting Jan. 21.