As we draw closer to our Center, we find, like spokes of a wheel, that we draw closer to one another. Our relationship with Jesus affects our relationships with others. We commit to treat others with respect, openness and warmth. We strive to listen deeply. We seek to share humbly. We are honest and open. We care. We look for what is good. Our commitment to each other helps makes it safe to pursue fully who God calls us to be.
Yes, our beliefs are important. We are a Christian Church, and we hold to the Christian faith. As we do, we each ask the Holy Spirit to lead us into truth. But truth is not a position. It is a person: He is Jesus. This means that truth is ultimately about a relationship. So rather than being rigid in positions, we seek to be pliable by the Holy Spirit. We strive to be open, to be growing. This does not mean that we don’t have certainty in what we believe. We are encouraged to hold to what we each have come to know to be true. Yet we are all on journeys, and so we extend grace to one another. We choose unrelenting grace.
Evangel has a proud heritage of loving and serving God in the Rochester community. We value a deep, personal and vibrant faith that is expressed in acts of care, justice and service. We are a church in and for Rochester.
Our mission statement is that we make disciples of Jesus who make disciples. Our Wesleyan tradition calls us to holiness of heart and life: to an active discipleship that transforms our daily living. Our legacy is a gospel that is both evangelical (heart transformation) and social justice (works of mercy). We value Spirit-filled worship, quality music, intergenerational discipleship, connecting with all ages, rich fellowship, a welcome extended to all and a commitment to love one another when we disagree.
God receives us all just the way we are. Yet God does not leave us there! Instead, we are given the Holy Spirit to live within us who guides us into the path of abundant life God intends.
We hold to a high authority of Scripture. We believe the Bible contains all things necessary for salvation, available to all. Yet we do not all understand this the same way. The Holy Spirit leads each person to deeper understandings and applications. This means that we do not yet expect to be of one mind on many important issues.
Our pastor and church leaders guide our church’s practices when we disagree. When people disagree with the decisions of our leaders, our leaders ask to be extended a wideness of grace.
We are a United Methodist congregation, and we are part of the Minnesota Annual Conference. We value our broader connection and commit to keep working together, even if we don’t always agree.
Evangel is different. We choose the Jesus way.
Jan. 2025 Adopted at Church Council